Friday Finds: Birds of a Feather

 Cardinals are apparently quite clever birds. 
I have an Audubon Squirrel-Proof Feeder in the back yard that's designed for Finches, Chickadees, Wrens, Tufted Titmice and other
Typical scene at the feeder: Cardinal
& Purple Finch
such small birds. It's not designed for Cardinals. Yet, I have a few Cardinals smart enough to have figured out how to slide through the bars and dine like kings!
Last year it was only one male Cardinal who knew the trick. This spring I observed a female inside the feeder cage. Since then the pair have raised a couple generations of off-spring and have taught them ALL how to get inside the feeder.
In fact, just this week I observed a male Cardinal teaching his two kids where the seed was by first giving them each a sample, then teaching them how to get inside the caged feeder to get it.
 One day the kids were on the fence waiting for Dad to bring them seed from the feeder and, the next, they were taking turns being inside the feeder with Dad.
Now I have a small flock of Cardinals enjoying my restaurant.
They sit their plump selves on the bottom of the cage in front of the bottom two feed holes, their tails jutting outside the cage, happily eating. It's a sight to see.

If you're interested in Cardinal Art or Posters, please visit HERE.
That's it for today! 


Dionne said…
Oh, I loooove Cardinals and since we moved to Colorado, I haven't gotten to see/hear them because they don't live here. :( Thank you for stopping by my post. Super cool that your husband and you are missionaries helping those in military/their families too I assume? May God bless you both with energy, strength, perseverance and many opportunities to love those in such a hard situation.

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