Garden Pic Wednesday: October Rubeckia!

Today I planted all the Lantana & Dusty Miller I've had rooting in small pots in a tray for several weeks and also separated my Romaine lettuce seedlings, so they're not crowded & the whole root is well buried. 
It will be warm enough yet for all the Lantana to get established for it gets really cold and Dusty Miller winters over. I wanted Dusty Miller in between the mums I planted under my kitchen bay window, along the sidewalk. The two look good together during winter.
I'll have to take a photo of the Coral Bell. It seems to have settled in okay. If it does well through next year, I may get more next fall.
(Coral Bells are planted in shady areas for their foliage colors.)

Today's Garden Pic is a late blooming Rubeckia, commonly called a Black-Eyed Susan. 
This one is in my front container garden. It has just bloomed this week!
Containers need a tall background plant and I got tired of the various grasses I tried dying every year, so I stuck a Rubeckia I grew from saved seed because they're tall enough for the location and tough enough not to winter kill. Plus, I can grow them free.
The thing I love about Black-Eyed Susan's is they have a sunflower feel and are much easier for me to grow.

That's it for today! Stop back tomorrow for Mama Kat!


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