Mama Kat Thursday: The Cornbread Mishap
T he Mama Kat prompt for today is about "a kitchen mistake," and though I've certainly made my own, none is as good as Hubby's "cornbread" mishap. He usually laughingly denies being able to cook. He'll tell people that "he burns water when he boils it." The truth is he actually CAN cook. Usually just simple things like frying eggs or mixing up a box of Kraft mac & cheese. Little does anyone know he actually used to bake made-from-scratch cornbread from a recipe off the corn meal box that I had copied onto an index card we had pinned on the frig with a magnet. Sea Sponge He didn't do it often. Just once in a while, which was apparently seldom enough for him for forget the difference between the abbreviation for "teaspoon" (tsp) and "Tablespoon," (Tbsp). The cornbread recipe called for 3 "tsp" Baking Powder." He mistook it for "Tbsp" and put in 3 Tablespoons of Baking Powder. The ...