Mama Kat Thursday: My Summer Do List

The Mama Kat challenge this week is to share, "10 things on this summers' to-do list."

This list, arranged in no particular order, reflects things I'd like accomplish, which I may or may not get done:

#1)  Collect & save seed from various garden flowers for next year's use.

#2) Make blackberry jam with this year's blackberries I've collected.

#3) Order new feather bed pillows and Suncast brand quick edging. (accomplished)
Suncast Quick Edging

#4)  Finish current garden edging projects once the edging arrives, a project that may run into fall.
My ultimate goal is to edge all my flower beds with this stuff for easier long-term

#5)  Make a dessert with the blueberries I saved this year sometime in the near future.

#6)  Harvest tomatoes, squash & hopefully melon from veggie garden and decide what to do with it all. (Especially all the yellow tomatoes!)

#7)  Clear out summer garden by end of August to prep for planting fall garden. (usually broccoli for winter.)

#8)  Open the Louisiana Iris seed pods I've saved and plant them in seed-starting pot to see if I can grow more that way.
#9)  Get bags of top soil and grass plugs for a small area on south side of house that has turned to bare sand because of burning sun and pine tree roots that suck up all the moisture.

#10)  Create memory scrapbooks for my husband's son & daughter (from a previous marriage), who used to visit us in summers when they were kids, with photos highlighting their various visits.
We don't see them at all and aren't in close communication, but occasion has come up this year that we might be driving out west to  in August and, if things go as planned, I might get to deliver them personally. If things don't go as planned, then the U.S. mail will have to do.
So what are your summer plans?

Thanks for Visiting!


Dee D said…
I think all of my summer plans are about to be hijacked. I'm having recurrent bowel problems from diverticulitis and may be facing surgery!!! happy....pretty frightened, actually. Prayers, please.
kayerj said…
You will be busy and I hope you get to deliver those books in person. Stopping by from mama kats kelley at the road goes ever ever on
Tiffany P. said…
LOVE all the gardening related ones!
KatBouska said…
Gardening, scrapbooking and cooking...sounds like a summer well spent to me!

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