Garden Pic Wednesday: Beautiful Echeveria & Sunlit Pampas

I was going to do some mowing today---but when I was ready to do so after lunch, it rained.
Instead, I worked on some beading projects. I have several necklaces which have broken and needed repairing. (a total of 4)
 I also made an entirely new necklace of in shades of teal, blue & lavender stones.

Today's Garden Pics:
First, my gorgeous Echeveria/Hen & Chicks Succulents in front my bed that are blooming right now. That big one on the side of the strawberry pot is at least 6 inches!
It's funny how I came to have them. Many years ago, my neighbor next door decided to "dispose" of a couple of her rosettes by randomly tossing them over the fence into my yard and I found them on the ground. Needless to say, I planted them and here we are today. Weird, but true.

A nice shot of my White Pampas Grass blooms captured in late day sun! This particular one against the neighbors fence in my back yard. All my Pampas has bloomed beautifully this year! So tall & showy!

That's it for today! 
Stop back tomorrow to see what's up for Mama Kat!


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