Garden Pic Wednesday: A Zinnia Volunteer!

It's been raining moderately off and on most of this week. The grass is going wild. I was able to work outside late in the afternoon on Monday and got some maintenance work on the back rain garden done. The Chocolate Elephant Ears needed dividing and spreading. I edged up the grass on the outside with a shovel and added pea gravel along that outer edge and inside the rain garden where I'd moved those Elephant Ears.
I plan on reorganizing it a bit in the fall by moving my Louisiana Iris into the middle and ordering more Rain Lily  bulbs in Nov. for spring planting. I'd like to see the rain garden burst into bloom all across the front after every good rain!

Today's Garden Pic is a nice shot of a pink volunteer Zinnia that randomly sprang up from self-seeding! 
It's the lovely deeply layered style I like:

Stop back tomorrow to see what I do for Thursday!


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