Mama Kat Thursday: New Recipe Ideas

Today's Mama Kat is, "Share a new recipe you'd like to try."

I have whole Pinterest board devoted to recipes I'd like to try called "Food Ideas" and more lolling around in my "Likes."
So, here's a selection of interesting recipes on my "try sometime" list!
(The recipe links will take you to the recipe location on whatever blog it was originally pinned from.)

A new twist on No Bake Cookies! 

I saved this one because I thought Hubby would like it! He tries anything I make, but he especially likes meat & potatoes!

I happen to love Carrot Raisin Salad. I was sad when Chick-Fil-A stopping carrying theirs, it was so good!
I saved this recipe because the photo shows carrot matchsticks being used, which is something I always have on hand.

This sounds good, but since it's summer, I don't do a lot of baking, so I'm saving this one for fall!

What's on your try list?

Thanks for Visiting!


John Holton said…
Those no-bake chocolate oat bars look great!
Sublime Dream said…
The steak and potato nachos immediately made it to my pinterest board! =) I'm personally itching to try this paleo no-cook key lime "cheese" cake: I'm a sucker for anything lime.
Abby said…
You've motivated me to go visit my Pinterest recipes! I might even make one... Your chicken spinach pasta bake looks yummy, but yes, will have to wait
KatBouska said…
I don't know about that carrot/raisin salad, but everything else YES!

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