Mama Kat Thursday: Quotes I Love

The Mama Kat blog writing prompt for today is "Share a quote you love."
I keep a whole Pinterest board of full of quotes I love on which to draw and these 3 are the fav quotes I've selected for today:

If I'm doing anything creative, whether crafts or house painting or even cooking, I make a mess.
Everything will be out and everything will be open and I'll be in the fine throws of creative genius.
That's how it is.

This quote is absolutely true about me.
It's been that way since I was a kid.
My brain is never bored. It makes it's own fun.

This is my favorite coffee quote.
It makes me snicker whenever I read it.

What's your favorite quote?

Thanks for Visiting!


John Holton said…
These are some great quotes. My favorite is Douglas Adams: I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go whizzing by.
Anonymous said…
These were great! I seem to always be writing a book in my head or the soundtrack to the movie. lol. I left one of my favorites in my blog and linked up!
KatBouska said…
Oh I love all of these and can totally relate too!

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