Garden Pic Wednesday: Happy Day Lily!

After 3 days of rain from a tropical storm, the sun is finally out!The rain garden has been full of water---maybe some of the Rain Lilies will be prompted to bloom this week!
So much water, though---I don't know if all the veggies will survive.
My Curly Parsley has become a nursery for Black Swallowtail caterpillars. There were quite a few, but caterpillars have a high mortality rate because they're a food source many insect predators: wasps, spiders, various bugs. 
Originally there were nine. This morning there were three; now there is only one who is nearly full size. The good news is that leaves plenty of Parsley is still available for another round!

Today's Garden Pic is one of my cheerful yellow & burgundy Day Lilies from my front bed.


Nikki said…
I always plant parsley in hopes of attracting caterpillars, but for some reason I have not had much success. Love your day lilly!
:) gwingal

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