Mama Kat Thurs: That Fabulous Grinch Song!

The Mama Kat prompt choice I'm doing today is, "Write a blog post inspired by the word: Grinch."

The "Grinch" is a character created by Dr. Seuss, a.k.a Theodor Geisel, famous for his numerous children's books. 
The Grinch first appeared in a 32 line poem called, "The Hoobub and The Grinch," originally published in Redbook in 1955.
(ah, making Mr. Ginch a year older then me!)
The book, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," was published in December, 1957.
Director Chuck Jones adapted the story into an animated special in 1966 narrated by Boris Karlof. The song, "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch," was wonderfully sung by voice actor, Thurl Ravenscroft, also well known for voicing Tony the Tiger for Kelloggs ads.
Theodor Geisel's drove a car with a "GRINCH" on the license plate.

I was 10 in 1966 when "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" first aired on network TV. I watched it every year it aired annually during the Christmas season. (You could only see it once a year back then---no VHS or DVD's yet.)
It remains my favorite version and I don't think anyone can improve on Thurl Ravencroft's rendition of the song! Ever

So, for your enjoyment, here's a YouTube video of "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch," as originally sung by Thurl Ravenscroft.

Thanks for Visiting!


Anonymous said…
Thurl was the voice for Tony the Tiger, spokesmascot for Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes. But you knew that.

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