Garden Pic Wednesday: Paperwhite Finally Bloomed!

I bought some Paperwhite bulbs for that bloomed inside one Christmas, then planted them outside. (They're winter hardy in this zone.) That was years ago. Since, then their greenery has faithfully come up, but they never bloomed again.
 Eventually---about 3 years ago, I dug them up and moved them to a sunnier location in a front bed. 
There are 6 or 7 little groups of them now, their greenery all poked up, but still no blooms---till this year.
Suddenly, a week ago, I see this:

One bunch actually bloomed!
For Garden adventures this year, I also recently ordered a few new things to plant this spring from American Meadows:

Purple Shamrocks:
 These have dark burgundy leaves, which will contrast nicely with the green ones I already have. 

Mango Calla Lily:
This is for a "thriller" in my front container garden. The leaves are green with white spots. I guess these prefer sun. I have some in back in heavy shade, they have never bloomed, I really need to dig up and move to a sunnier location. 

One Maroon/pink bi-color Day Lily called "Magic Dancer."
This one is a re-bloomer, which means it will bloom several times during the season. 

Finally, I've got a terrible dry bit of lawn that's gone to sand in a small patch up front, by the mailbox.  So I've ordered 2 Creeping Thyme plants, which is a very low growing, blooming ground cover that likes drought and dry to plant there. So, we'll see how that goes. Everything was 50% off.

I also bought a pot of blue Hyacinths for the kitchen counter from the Commissary last week.
They've since fully opened and fill kitchen with their sweet fragrance. For scent, they're among my favorites. Then, when they're done, I'll plant the bulbs.


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