Garden Pic Wednesday: Three Photos

Today, a nice shot of my Gardenia Topiary.
Years ago, I found a rooted stem under my big Gardenia shrub out front, dugit up, planted it here and trimmed and trained it to grow into a single stem, short tree, roundish at the top. It always puts on a good show every year!

My Veggie Garden:

A  Pretty Bouquet of Garden Flowers:
Really, I like growing flowers so I have some to snip and put in a vase. Glads, Hydrangea and a Trumpet Lily pictured here. The big white face isn't a Easter Lily, but a different breed of trumpet lily that came with a mixed set of cutting lilies I ordered last spring. It's more wide in front and not as long as an Easter Lily. Lasted all week in the vase. I like putting a Gardenia in my vases for the smell, but the flowers have a short life, regardless of whether they're on the bush or in a vase.


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