Garden Pic Wednesday: Beautiful Red Zinnia!

I can feel the change of season in the air already signalling autumn is on it's way. Suddenly, there's a dryness in the humid air.
Squirrels started cobbing pine cones 2 weeks ago for the pine nuts inside, fattening up for winter. I can see the pine cone petals they drop, daily spattering to the ground on the patio when I look out the back door. 
The birds are feeding more at the feeder. I saw a Downy Woodpecker slide through the bars to enjoy some seed just this afternoon.

I planted new tomatoes in the garden yesterday. I've never tried a second crop before really, but recently acquired a planting chart put out by a local garden club that shows a year round schedule of what can be planted, when.
I saw tomatoes can be planted for a second time not later then the end of July for a harvest by October and I discovered local garden centers right now have a fresh supply of special heat tolerant breeds on sale.
I bought a pair, each different, with cool names: "Solar Fire," and "Heat Master." Both determinate varieties. I planted them in the center of the veggie bed, right where the beans rows used to be, since beans roots put nitrogen back into the soil, that makes it the perfect spot!
The only other thing in the veggie bed presently is a French melon.

Today's Garden Pic is a Red Zinnia:
It's the best looking of lot in the bed above the garden, thickly layered with petals. This is the Zinnia heads I'll be letting dry to save seed from.


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