Garden Pic Wednesday: Summer Snowflakes!

I know it's actually Thursday, but we were out of town and I'm a little off schedule, so I'm posting garden pictures, which are easy.

I worked outside this morning on my front bed out by the mailbox---the white clover around the edges was getting out of hand. It was gray and misting rain while I worked. I decided to remove the clover edging the bed next to the driveway, sodding the clumps of it into barren sandy soil near the trash can where nothing grows. I think the clover will and I can mow it.Then in the bed, on the front and other side edges, I edged the clover with some landscape cloth pushed into the ground a couple inches to create a barrier between it and the rest.
Over that and the rest of the bed I lay down some newspaper and topped it with wood mulch.
Along the bed edge next to the driveway, I replaced the clover with some Creeping Jenny volunteers and some Shamrocks.

I also ordered some flower seeds today:
 Pink Hibiscus and Gaillardia (blanket flower). The blanket flower will be for the front bed I was working on because it grows low.
Then to replace the climbing rose that died, I ordered a Clematis, which is a climbing vine with large flowers. Clematis comes many colors and since I collect blue flowers, I chose that has a soft Periwinkle blue flower. It also has a shorter, more compact growth habit of only 4 to 5 feet, which will fit my trellis nicely. 
Most Clematis types range 6 to 10 feet or taller.

Summer Snowflakes
These are so cute with their scalloped, green-dotted little white bells. They remind me of ladies summer skirts!
A bulb plant, they're a relative of Snowdrops.

A View of Them in Their Clump:
I've had these a good number of years and they've formed a substantial clump now around an old stump.
They're among the first to cheerfully announce, "It's spring!"


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