Garden Pic Wednesday: Fairy's Parasols!

Today's task was applying Weed & Feed to the backyard grass. It's the last area that needed it. It really helps the grass get ahead and stay ahead of the profusion of weed pests.
Also moved a few Dwarf Marigolds that came up from saved seed I planted and were big enough to be moved to places I want them. There are a few more not quite big enough yet.

Today's Garden Pics:
These cute teeny little mushrooms popped up in my patio containers a couple weeks ago. 
It was hard narrowing down an identification, but I'm pretty sure these are called "Fairy's Parasols."  Such a cute name!
They'd only be out in the morning while the shade lasted and would wither as soon as the sun hit them. They're a harmless fungi that grow in the potting soil humus if there's an abundance of moisture and we'd had quite a bit of rain right around then. 
That pretty plant next to it is a Lemon Thyme. Thyme make a very nice "spiller" for a container garden, whether you cook with it or not. 

Fairy Parasols in Another Container:


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