Garden Pic Wednesday: Goldfinch & Million Bells!

A bunch of photos today!
I walked out by the Bluebird house, since it's been quiet, but I could see Mrs. Bluebird's little face just inside the hole. (They build the nest high, so she could look out.) So, I think she's still brooding the eggs. Once they hatch, though, there should be a bustle of activity with both parents.
I was delighted this past week to see a Goldfinch family in the feeder this week!  Two pair, one a lighter color male and the other much brighter. Most birds in this area nest early around here and bring there offspring to the feeder "restaurant," but I read American Goldfinches nest later then other birds, usually in June or July. So, I yet may see them bring youngsters to the feeder.
Florida and a wide swath of the Deep South is the American Goldfinch's is mapped in the bird book as their "winter range." And I certainly do see them at the feeder in Jan & Feb in their winter-drab olive green color, then they all usually disappear by March, flying further north to nest in the Mid-West & Northeast.
 Clearly, there's no rule that says they have to leave, since this pair clearly decided to stay here and nest somewhere nearby.
It's so fun seeing this little lemon colored birdies! 

Million Bells!
For my various container gardens, I decided to plant Million Bells (Calibroachoa) instead of Petunias, because Million Bells are easier to maintain: they don't need dead-heading.
Though, they do look similar.
I put purple in the front container with the Red Salvia, because red & purple go so great together!

I put yellow in the front container as a contrast for variegated Hosta & pink Day Lily:

I put pink in this patio container with the Curly Parsley & stone hippo.


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