Garden Pic Wednesday: Boxie in the Birdbath!

I have a number of Eastern Box Turtles who live in the vicinity of my yard. One of them has albino markings on it's neck and face, whom I've seen visiting my yard for years now. 
This morning I saw Albino Face walking across the back yard near the end of my patio,clearly headed for the ground level birdbath I have out, which is a large shallow plastic plant-pot saucer. Everyone uses it for liquid refreshment during hot summer weather--- cats, squirrels, birds and box turtles.
Anyway, Albino Face crawled into the dish of water, then just settled down in it toward the back, head resting on the dish rim for about 5 minutes in the cool water, then crawled out and left.

I captured this shot right after Albino Face got in the birdbath and  paused, it's eye on me, to see what I was going to do.
 I was standing behind the grill, took the picture then went back in the house, so Albino Face could enjoy a spa moment in peace.

Box Turtles--despite their name are actually classed as "Tortoises," who live on land.
They don't live in water, but they do enjoy getting their skin wet on hot days.
 Being amphibians, their body temperatures reflect the temperatures around them, so on hot days, they need to cool their body temps. 


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