Garden Pic Wednesday: Garden Critters

Today's Garden Pics:

I saw this box turtle enjoying wading around this dish of water I have out for the birds a few days ago, at least until she saw me with the camera, then she froze. That eye is looking right at me!
I took the picture and she crawled out of the desk shortly after.

I recently caught this tree frog peeking out of my patio container reservoir hole. It has a couple inch space for water and the tree frogs like being in there and stick their heads out to catch passing insects.

Raised Garden Bed Progress:
First one is filled and yesterday I did some planting: a purchased tomato plant & bell pepper and some seeds: purple bush beans, zucchini, beets, butternut squash.
It's important to space certain things out, so you don't get a ton of stuff all at once, so I'm just planting beans in quarter rows, a week apart. 
Beets will need thinning out once they spout, so I left a blank row to move those two. I like them for greens. This beet seed is supposed to make good greens.
We'll fill the second bed in a couple weeks and I'll replant similar seeds, maybe another pepper. No more tomato plants, though. I think I only have time to get tomatoes off this one before it gets too hot.


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