Garden Pic Wednesday: Redoing My Container Garden

I have a large container garden in front that I planted a large day lily in for a height several years ago.
Overtime that day lily prospered and multiplied to the point it was taking over my container! In fact, I split that container just trying to get it out!
I pulled out this huge ball of day lily roots, which you can see divided up and spread on the ground below:

I learned recently that one blade stem with roots is called a "fan."
There must be 50 fans in this clump.
I'm working on transplanting them here and there as this is a very nice large, tall daylily with a pretty pinkish-orange flower and the greenery doesn't die back in winter. (Some day lilies do die back in winter then reappear in spring.)

I purchased a new large container and to prevent the day lily from spreading too much, I potted it in a smaller pot to set within the larger one. Also my Calla Lily bulbs have their own pot and the Million Bells, that wintered over, their own pot.

After that, I filled the large container to suitable height with soil, set in the pots, then finished adding soil even with the smaller pot rims.
 In the spaces between these pots I can now add small Hostas I have on hand and they can spread in and around the these pots.

 Now that lily can fill it's small pot to it's heart desire without taking over and I can easily remove it without splitting on my larger container!


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