More Gardening Thursday!

Since I didn't like any of the Mama Kat prompts, we're going to look at garden stuff I was doing today!

I ordered a live Stevia herb, a Roman Chamomile and a Caldoon Artichoke that will be arriving soon, so I needed to prep the bed where I plan on putting the artichoke.
 The Caldoon artichoke is spineless--meaning it won't be prickly; unlike the class Imperial artichoke that is. I got the Stevia because the one I had for years died and the Roman Chamomile, which is true Chamomile, for a ground cover. I use Grower's Exchange for live herbs.

Today's Project: Clean Up This Bed
This bed is behind and higher ground then where the raised beds sit. I use it for flowers & herbs mostly, but I want to but the Caldoon here.  
That tall shrub behind the bird feeder is a Rosemary. It got a trimming around the base today plus I planted 3 rows of flower seeds behind where the bird feeder is. This bed is about 6 feet wide, so plenty of room still.
As soon as I leave the backyard, all the birds swoop in to feed on seed or suet. You can see a Cardinal crammed in there. A fat Dove is on the ground in the shadow.
 (I took this shot from inside the house)

Seeds I planted today:
Zinnias are best sown directly in soil; they don't like being transplanted.
I found I had a pack I picked up at the Dollar Tree for mixed color Lilliput Zinnias plus another pack I'd ordered from Park Seed called, "Hidden Dragon Zinnias," that are pink and white. (picture) The Hidden Dragon Zinnia's should be shorter in height then the Lilliput Zinnia's.

Since I have a bag of bird seed loaded with sunflower seeds in the garage, I just picked through it for the large black striped sunflowers seeds, then poked several into the ground behind the Lilliput Zinnia row. 

Cardinal Basil
This Basil, also from Park Seed, is notable for it's  extra large flowers. I saw a picture and loved how it looked!
I set up a "nursery" location in a container garden I have just outside the front door and planted it there. Basil sprouts readily (considering how easily it self-seeds itself everywhere) and is perfectly okay being transplanted.

And guess what just arrived: The Stevia, Chamomile & Caldoon!
Here's a shot of them arranged in a dish of water. They'll need a few days to acclimate to being outside before planting.

(I'm not affiliated with any online garden company, so no links.)


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