Garden Pic Wednesday: Clematis!

Here's a little bright spot for the day: My first blooms of Clematis!

I've never grown Clematis before. I just planted this one last spring and it bloomed, then during winter it was just brown stems on the trellis. I wasn't even certain it was still alive. I read it blooms on "old wood," meaning last years growth, so I didn't touch it. I decided to wait and see and, indeed, it did break out in fresh growth and blooms along last years stem at every joint. Plus a new vine has sprout from the roots.
This particular Clematis is a compact breed that stays less then 5 feet, which is why I chose it. It naturally climbs. The blooms are lovely and I look forward to it filling the trellis eventually.

Other Garden Tasks:
Monday Hubby and I worked together to clean up the south side beds that are on either side of the front door. Mostly blowing out winter leaves, then raking out excess pine straw, mowing it, then I put those mowings back down where it was raked out. Beds look neater, ready for summer. 
Hubby also pounded in some new tall metal stakes for the blackberry bed and the Hardy Hibiscus in back.

Today, I did clean up in the woodsy bed in back under the maple tree, snipping all the little thorny things that thrive here.
 Then out front by the mailbox I have an edge of white clover on that bed that was getting out of hand, so I dug up clumps and planted them along the edge of the woodsy bed in back where they'll get some sun. White clover is resilient, but I've learned it doesn't like sandy soil or intense sun in my climate. So, I think it should thrive in that back area, where it can spread freely.
I also moved a few grass sprigs I edged up from along a bed to bare some spots in the yard. 
That's it for gardening.


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