Mama Kat Thursday: 12th Grade Memories

Today's chosen prompt is to share a memory from 12th grade and of all my years of high school, 12th grade has some nice memory highlights.

Probably one of my best memories of 12th grade is writing fanfiction  with my
friend Cheryl. We became friends in 9th grade and I got her hooked on my interest in it. There was a masked-hero show called "The Green Hornet" in re-runs then and I fell in love with writing script-like fanfiction for that show. Cheryl liked the idea and started writing similar fanfiction for her favorite show, Mannix. We both even had an original character we added into the mix. 
I remember many a study hall period, us sitting side-by-side, talking in hushed whispers about whatever we wrote the night before. 
Having someone to share a common interest with was super cool.

The other highlight of 12th grade was having a boy actually ask me to be his experiment partner for a Psych class project. I'd known him since 10th grade, but I was just generally used to being invisible. Up to that point, getting anyone to be willing even to just trade papers with me was a battle. Now, out of the blue, this handsome freckled boy wants me to be his lab partner?  So, I was greatly pleased to accept. He was the first who'd ever voluntarily asked. His name was Dex.
 Unfortunately, Dex graduated a 
semester early in December 1974. He was already enlisted in the Army under the Delayed Enlistment program and promptly headed off to Basic right after,. 
He was in Airborne. Unfortunately, Dex later died tragically during parachute training in the summer of 1975.
I recall Mother sending me a newspaper Obituary clipping about it while I was in Air Force Basic Training myself later that same year.
I barely knew Dex. He was just a blip on the radar and, at the time, I only thought it too bad his life was cut short right so early.
 But his kindness to invite me to be his lab partner remains one of my better memories of High School. 

Thanks for Visiting!
(photos from Pixabay)


John Holton said…
I wish someone (maybe you and Cheryl) wrote more episodes for "Mannix" and "The Green Hornet." Those were two great shows.
Abby said…
Wow, I remember those shows. Great ideas for fanfiction!
And how tragic about Dex. Sorry, I'm sure it was painful to see his obituary.
Astrid said…
I'm so glad you had such fun writing fanfiction. I've never quite grasped its appeal, since I rarely watch TV shows and don't read many of the popular books. However, I wish I had a fandom to share with someone.
Patty said…
Reading your post brought back a similar memory from my senior year, only mine was of a classmate I had known for a while. Freddy was the sweetest person ever; always a smile or a kind word.

He died in Vietnam, May 22, 1967, very shortly before he was to ship back home. Fifty-three years later, I can still remember his million dollar smile.

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