Garden Pic Wednesdsay: Cat in Flowers

I have several photos today:

First, my ceramic cat in a container garden out front, surrounded by a heaps of yellow Million Bells 
So pretty in the last rays of the days sun.
That Million Bells is just one plant that wintered over, a mere straggly stem when I planted it in it's own smaller pot, then set that in the larger container. It really took off!
Million Bells is technically called "Calibrachoa" in a garden shop.
I love them! 

A Project Accomplished this Week: Re-Paint my Various Garden Objects d'Art
These are various metal pieces, stones, pieces of broken block and concrete chunks, some Dollar Tree concrete stepping stones---things I use as accents here and there in my garden.
The metal rusts and usually needs repainting every other year or so.
I decided to use white paint because white objects are more eye-catching and more light reflective.

Finally, a Toad:
He tucked himself between into this little spot outside our sliding glass door, where he could hide while waiting for a passing insect.


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