Good Eating Tuesday: Baked Potato Wedges!

I love baked potato wedges. Grew up eating them. Before microwaves, it was a great way to use left-over baked potatoes. Russets work best. I have used Gold potatoes, but they're softer and don't work quite as well.
When I was kid, Mother would try to make efficient use of any cooking in the oven because we used propane gas. A pair of 5 foot tall, large silver-colored tanks stood right next to the house, just outside the kitchen wall. Periodically, the gas man would wheel a new one in and replace a tank.
So, if she was baking chicken or meatloaf, she'd bake a bunch of russet potatoes, enough for leftovers for wedges, and often a baked dessert, like bread pudding or chocolate pudding cake.
 (We didn't have dessert every night, so this was a treat!)
The next day, we'd have the leftover meat with baked potato wedges. Yum. Giant home fries you can eat with your fingers.

I made some myself recently. I baked 6 russets just for the purpose of having baked potato wedges.

Baked Potato Wedges

Left-over baked russet potatoes

Slice each russet into quarters, length-wise. (Cut in half, then cut each half in half)
In a skillet over med-high heat, saute the quarters, turning from one side to the other till both sides are browned. (You don't need to cook the skin side)
Sprinkle with salt.
Serve hot with catsup or barbecue sauce as a side.


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