Garden Pic Wednesday: Lettuce Galore!

The Garden Pic's today are of all the lettuce that came up by itself in my raised bed from last spring's crop.
It's a nice French lettuce something like a Butterhead, but with red-tinged leaves. I originally bought the seed from Seed Savers.
All that green stuff at the far end is what popped up in this fall---clearly this is the time of year it prefers.  In the middle are some of the larger babies that I've transplanted into rows and I've since filled the remaining space with more, so this space is now full of young lettuce. I have a few more spaces to move some.

This next shot is the same lettuce planted in the other raised bed; it's a bit older then the other, since I planted some of the saved seed from spring on purpose here. 
You can see the red tinge on these. They get about 8 to 10 inches wide when full grown. 
They should be full grown about February sometime and, being too many for just me, I hope to share some with friends.



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