Garden Pic Wednesday: Chinese Forget-Me-Not & Lettuce Garden

 Today's Garden Pics are my "Chinese Forget Me Not" & my Lettuce:
This is Cynoglossum Amiable. Also called 
"Chinese Hounds Tongue" 

I just figured that out today, googling pictures. I didn't realize there is a true type of Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis Scorpioides), which has flowers with yellow centers and tends to be invasive. 
The Chinese Forget Me Not has blue centers and is more garden friendly. It's the type found in wild flower seed packs.
Back in spring I bought "wild flower" seeds from the Dollar Tree that were on a seed mat you roll out and this was the ONLY seed that sprouted.
he leaves are slightly fuzzy (thus the name "hounds tongue") and look very similar to Black Eyed Susan leaves. It started blooming in early December. For Florida, that isn't unusual. I have Gerbers blooming right now.

And I promised a picture of my booming lettuce crop: here it is:


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