Garden Pic Wednesday: Spring Planting

Garden Pics today are spring planting!

Front Bed Improvement:
I had this terra cotta bowl on hand already. Decided to put it in the center of my front bed out by the mailbox in the center and planted it with a pink petunia and some Caladium, which is a leafy plant grown for it's pretty leaves. I put two bulbs behind the Peturnia. I'll see if it works or not. The area gets Eastern sun in spring and summer and my car shades the area in afternoons---so the Caladiums my do okay. I sort of forgot they were more of a shade plant. So, I'll see. I can move them later if they don't do well.
I also planted Pink Alyssum just outside the bowl on either side--it's a perennial and should return yearly, gradually spreading. It stays low growing.
There's a basil ground cover and Creeping Jenny ground cover in this area as well.
The larger green leaves to left are Sea Holly. 

Purple Petunias & Red Salvia In Containers
I like to put petunias in my outdoor containers, like this one. The 2 green plants in front are Peturnia, which are a deep velvety purple.
The other green plant further back by the painted rock is a Red Salvia. It wintered over plus there were about 6 Salvia seedings that popped up here as well. I've moved them to other places. I haven't had to buy Red Salvia in years, since they self-seed.

Veggie Plants:
I purchased a Sweet Green Bell Pepper and put him in this terra cotta pot I have in a bed along the south wall. I have 3. One has perennial Valentine Sorrel, which I grow because it's pretty, but I can cook with it. One has this pepper and one I planted green scallion onions in.
I bought a tomato plant, too, but I need to make a place for it in the raised bed.

Finally..for the birds
I like using plastic Folgers coffee containers for bird houses. This red 11oz size I hung here is perfect for Carolina Wrens because they love cozy small spaces. They'll nest in about any crevice they can find--a front door wreath, hanging potted plants, shoes, tin cans.
I saw a pair of Carolina Wren checking it out yesterday. I read they'll stay together as a mated pair for years. 

Carolina Wren


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