Garden Pic Wednesday: Edging Project

Welcome to another Garden Pic Wednesday!
Today we look at this weeks project: edging the North bed that runs from the A/C unit to a corner bed just outside my back door & patio.
Back in July, my neighbor on this side hired someone to remove the many pines in his back yard and that person sub-contracted a tree cutter, a tree cutter who was completely inept at tree cutting. That cutter dropped tree trunks on every fence encircling my neighbors yard, adjacent neighbors sheds and turned all the grass between our houses into dirt driving a small tractor back & forth.
My neighbor kindly made sure he replaced all the grass between our houses. So in these first 2 photo you're seeing the new sod.

This photo is after I spent 3 days completely weeding this bed
I've added some top soil along the grass edge to raise the soil level next to the sod in preparation for the edging. The Ponytail Asparagus fern you see at the bottom is part of the corner bed in the second photo

This is the corner bed adjacent to the back patio:
It has a few pavers on the front edge. It serves as a rain garden.

This is the edging I plan to run along the sod from the A/C unit to the pavers.
It just stakes down. Super easy.

And as a bonus, a photo of my raised bed garden:
The broccoli is coming along nicely. Garlic is up. Beans are going. Radishes are popping up. I have spinach planted, but I seem to be having trouble getting the seeds going. They're new, too. 
The upside down plastic cartons are for watering; I fill them with the hose and the water seeps deeply into the soil. 


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