Garden Pic Wednesday: Calendulas & Gerbers!

 My physical therapy for my arm is going well. I started going back to my nearby gym again last Friday. I use the bike that works both arms and legs. It's good for my elbow. 
For Thanksgiving, I've picked up a pre-cooked turkey & sides from my local grocery and will heat that up for 3 or 4 people from the Sunday bible study who are staying in town.

Today's Gardens Pics:

A clump of late season "Butterfly Garden" seed I planted back in August.
It was the last portion of a box of seed from Dollar Tree. I hadn't gotten anything to come up in spring or summer---but, surprise, the fall planting took off like gangbusters!
The yellow flowers are Calendula. To their left is a Forget-me-not. To the right is a clump of Bachelor Buttons (cornflower) and one Coreopsis.
This nice shot captures of glow of late day sun!

Next, my fall Gerbers:
In the last picture you can see these are just above the Calendula clump.
That pottery container is a cute thing my husband and I picked up. It's planted with a hen & chick in one, but most just have a moss covered lava rock in them. So it's become more of a moss garden.


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