Garden Pic Wednesday: My Holly Tree In Bloom!

Today's centerpiece garden photo is my flowering Holly Tree!
It's always bloomed a little, but this year the bloom is massive! Every branch thick with white flowers1 Those will turn into green berries (you can see some) that will turn red.
If I keep watch, maybe I can get a good shot of lots of it full of red berries! (they're edible for birds, so we'll see.)

Here's a closer view of one branch loaded with blossoms!

Even more interesting is the sheer number of Lady Bugs, flies, Bumbles, wasps and assorted other sorts of bees it's attracting! I've never seen so many Lady Bugs!
 (Yellow with black spots)
Here's two on one branch. I've always wanted a way to attract them to my garden as they are considered a beneficial insects as they eat other insects. Both the red and yellow Lady Bugs are common in Florida.


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