Garden Pic Wednesday: Purple Shamrocks


My Purple Shamrocks are making a good show this year! 
They're a good investment; very prolific in light sun to shady areas.

This weeks project:
I bought six small castle blocks and used what scalloped blocks I had around. The ground without the blocks was too low for the hydrangea's I had planted there and they were struggling. Really, one died. But in digging the survivor up, I found I could split off a section to make it into two; one on either side, more to front. Easter lilies are there, plus in back, I planted a couple 4 O' clock seeds of a particular color and plan on transplanting Marigolds seedlings to plant on back side. 
The back is closer to tree and front fuller, since this is near properly line. Hopefully the Hydrangea's will thrive. They're a pretty bluish-purple when they bloom.|
Among Southern shrubs, I like Hydrangea's best because they are easy to care for, don't require hedging and bloom all from spring thru frost. Plus they come in blue and I "collect" blue blooming flowers.

Azaleas are now in full swing!
This one is in front; it's a little ahead being more bloomed out then the adjacent shrub. But that's how they are. Some bloom better & faster then others from year to year.

As pretty as they are briefly in spring, I never would've planted regular size Azalea's in my landscape if I'd known anything about them. I didn't know better at the time and they're abundantly sold in spring around here. I have them, so I maintain them. If I'd known better, I would've chosen a dwarf Azalea variety, if any, instead.
So, my advice, if you're landscaping in the South, is to consider carefully the size & care requirements for regular Boxwoods, Privets, Hawthorne's, Azaleas or Gardenia's and, where possible, choose a dwarf variety. 


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