Garden Pic Wednesday: Limelight 4 O'clock & Hardy Hibiscus
It is soooo hot out right now! In recent days I've waited until 7pm to mow and then only a section at a time; 20-30 minutes max. Today I rehung my Chickadee nesting house. I had it inside, gluing a portal protector on to keep the Downy Woodpeckers from drilling on the entry. Come fall, I plan on getting a Downy nest box, so they can have their own space, though I've read they primarily want a cool weather roost. And I pick up a few sticks tossed about by recent thunderstorms. It's that rainy time of year with nearly daily storms. I have plenty of firewood now for when the weather cools off. I've read we're expecting an "arctic summer," though here that may be 88 next week instead of 98, but anything is better. Garden Photos Today: Limelight 4 O'Clocks: Really this color. Bright lime leaves with magenta flowers. There's a story about these: I bought it as seed once, but never have more. I had one and saved seed from it and got 2 with the second mo...