
Showing posts from August, 2023

Garden Pic Wednesday: Pink Pampas

Today's Garden Pic: Pink Pampas! It's the prettiest of the Pampas, I think.   

Garden Pic Wednesday: Mourning Doves & Baby Boxie

 Interesting Garden Pics today: A Pair of Mourning Doves Resting in the Grass Next to my Patio: I snapped the shot because I've never seen them just nestled in the grass like this before. Usually, they're prowling my patio for the bird seed I throw out on the pavement so my cat can enjoy a closer look at the birdies thru the sliding glass door.  I like the cool noise they make when startled as they fly into the air. Interesting facts about Doves: They mate for life. They are strictly seed eaters. (no bugs) And they can fly 55 miles an hour. Who knew? Another Seeker After Bird Seed... This very young Box Turtle wandered out onto my patio for some seed this morning. This youngin' lives under the Hydrangea bush that's immediately around the corner to the right. It's lush with Lady Fern & Ponytail Fern; the perfect safe place. Probably delicious bugs & earthworms under there, too. I saw him come once before on a rainy day for a bit of water, then he turned aroun...

Garden Pic Wednesday: The Tomato That Planted Itself

Earlier in spring, I found a baby tomato plant sprouted near my doorway and transplanted it to a raised bed. It was only about 3 inches tall. Here it is now. It was always greener and healthier looking then the store bought tomato. After making a few red medium size tomatoes, it stopped doing anything---until recently, it suddenly put a a bunch a fresh growth and is blooming again. Despite the heat. I brushed the blossom's with a paintbrush to try and make sure they were all pollinated to give them the best chance of developing. So, we'll see.