Garden Pic Wednesday: Dwarf Nadina & Red Saliva!

How's your Christmas decorating going? Lot's of people in our neighborhood have the icicle lights up and other decor in their yards!
Our local Boy Scout troop will be selling fresh Frazier firs this weekend, so we're planning on picking ours up probably Friday evening. (They only sell them this one weekend and we prefer our tree money to go to a good use.)
We both have a dental appointments Friday morning for a routine cleaning. (same dentist.)

Then Saturday afternoon we're driving over to Destin to a Ballroom there to watch our friend, Megan,
participate in a dance competition. It's sort of like a Dancing with the Stars type thing put on by all the local Fred Astaire Dance Studios, which she has been a member of for several years now.
I'm looking forward to seeing her dance!
Tonight a recently married couple, who used to participate in the ministry here while they were single, are in town for a couple days and have invited those of us who remember them to Cici's pizza
--at least that was the tentative plan.
I know for sure later today probably.
Today's Garden Pic is from one of my front beds next to the Pampas grass (which you can see in the background).
This is Red Saliva and the small shrub with the colored leaves in front of it is called a Dwarf Nadina.
Dwarf Nadina's a good way to bring a little fall color to a deep south garden, though I only have the one.
That shrub has turned more red since I snapped this shot last week.
All my Saliva puts on a good show until we get a hard frost.
They lend a little Christmas color to my landscape and--very often winter over and come back from their roots.  Sometimes they also
 self-seed and I find a litter of infants in spring.


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