Garden Pic Wednesday: Past Highlights

We had some brief excitement this morning---a loud "BANG" at 8:30. The sound of a transformer blowing.
I said, "It's probably a squirrel."
It was the transformer on the electric pole right across from our house.
Twenty minutes later, the power company truck arrived before my husband left.
He pointed out to my husband the dead squirrel on top of it---yup, the squirrel did it. 
I didn't get to this right away as decided today was a good day to get around to caulking the inside edges of our bedroom windows. They're bay windows. It was, of course, a major cleaning job with the bleach and the non-ammonia glass cleaner. Then messing with the bay window hardware getting the curtains down, washed and back up---an arduous task I don't enjoy.
The caulk was in a container like hair mousse comes in, designed for easy re-use. It was nice.
I have 2 garden pics for today:
First one is from last summer.
It's my hummingbird feeder. You see the feeding hole there is full of baby carpenter bee-butts.
It was just so amusing see 5 to 10 of them in every hole, squeezing in together trying to get at that sugar water.

The 2nd pic is from August this year:
A table arrangement I made using pink pampas frond, a rebuckia, green coleus leaves and a couple verbena, though the verbena were only a pretty a couple hours. They don't like a vase.

That's it for today!


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