Mama Kat Prompt Thursday: 5 Comforting Things

Have your Turkey yet?
I saw frozen Turkeys in passing carts last weekend when we were shopping.
Do you cook a whole bird? Bake it? Fry it?
Buy one ready-cooked or smoked?
Since it's just for myself and my husband, what I do is just a couple Turkey thighs in a slow-cooker, which is faster then a oven and makes them more tender.

Enough Turkey....

On to
 Mama Kat's Prompt for Today:
"List 5 Things That Bring You Comfort."
#1) Reading the Bible & Prayer: I get a lot of comfort from hearing the Lord Jesus through scripture and reviewing the many promises He has given me. I have a stack of index cards, full of them.
#2) My Husband: He's just a really warm, comforting person. That's one reason why I married him.


#3)  My Cat, Sunni: She likes to lay on my chest near my face and I find listening to her steady purr very comforting and relaxing. She especially, at night, just before I go to sleep.

#4)  A Good Cup of Coffee: A mug of coffee to me is such a signal of, "Ah, now I can relax."  Maybe I'll even have a dark chocolate kiss with mine.

#5) Savory Food: Let's face it. Food is comforting---cheesy food, spicy food, warm food on a cold day, like soup, or fresh bread, still hot from the oven, slathered with butter all put a little comfort in the tum-tum.


Great list!

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love, love the smell of it. It reminds me of home & my grandparents' house (they are huge coffee drinkers.)
Jerralea said…
Very comforting list! I like your idea about the turkey thighs in the crockpot, too. I don't know why I never thought of that because my family likes the dark meat best anyway ... and now we are down to just 4 for dinner ....
Unknown said…
I love a roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and corn for a comforting meal. The bread with melty butter is always a perfect addition to any meal! :)
Jessica said…
Very good! I too love my reading in the Bible every day, sometimes I can't start my day with it, thanks to busy working moms life, but ALWAYS find time sometime throughout the day! Great Post! Oh and I am enjoying a cup of joe right's 2:45 in the afternoon! LOL

Visiting from Mama Kat's!
Ginny Marie said…
Oh, yes, food is definitely comforting! Macaroni and cheese is one of my favorites! (Homemade, of course!)
carol daniels said…
It's the kids turn to go to the in-laws, so we're going out to dinner for Thanksgiving. I'm really looking forward to it.

Enjoy your comfort list.
With you on number 4. I almost put "lawnboy's arms" because it is comforting to be there, but I"m not ready to go there yet! :-)
Barbara said…
Oh yes, these all sound so comforting! Great list.

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