Friday Finds: AFDAP Shirt & Funny Thor

 Greetings! I have two "finds" today:

First my "AFDAP" Shirt Design:

Available on any colors or style shirt for any gender!

AFDAP is an acronym for "As Few Distractions As Possible."
The idea came from one of the young Air Force guys who attends our Bible Study. It's based on 1 Corinthians 7:35, where Paul writes that is his goal for all people he's trying to encourage to grow in Christ.
To turn the expression into an acronym was his application for the study and he was very pleased I used the idea on a shirt.
My husband has one and it looks as good in person as it does in the picture.
For more Christian shirts, visit my Art Boutique!

Next find is a funny pic from Pinterest. 
It's a series of frame shots from the first Thor movie of him going into an ordinary pet store, trying to find a horse.
Some clever person thought Falcor, the dog-like
Luck Dragon" from Never Ending Story a good solution to his problem. Too funny.


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