Mama Kat Thursday: Two Before & After Projects

The Mama Kat Prompt topic for today is:
"Show Us a Before & After."

Last fall and this spring I had two major drainage issue locations: one in the back yard and one on the side of the garage.
After hours of TLC they're greatly improved. Here's the before & after on both:
First: The Back Yard Pond:
This happened every time we had a heavy rain:

Same spot as it looks now. Paradise.
I took advantage of the naturally concave area by edging it with flagstones and filling the center with gravel & water loving plants.
The Chocolate Elephant Ears here are gorgeous!

Second, The Other Pond:
This bed edges on the garage near the front of the house.

I edged the bed with paving blocks, raised the dirt level on the grass side, then planted grass plugs. Now that it's late summer, 
it's nicely filled in!

I consider rate these two projects among my most successful---though not all gardening experiments are. :)

Thanks for visiting!
What was one of your most successful DIY projects?


Lori said…
Oh, it looks lovely! What a great idea to fill the "pond" area with water plants. I have a brown thumb, I'm afraid. My best DIY projects usually involve painting or fauxing a wall.
carol daniels said…
What a great improvement for both projects. That's what a call clever "curb appeal!"
kayerj said…
That's what I call using your head, designing around what the ground does naturally. Both projects turned out nice. Stopping by from mama kats kelley at the road goes ever ever on
Dee D said…
Happy Anniversary Bev & Dave. We're 32 yrs married in December, too. '82 was a very good year.
Thanks Dee! :) It was a good year. My sister married same year, too.
KatBouska said…
Ooooh beautiful work! Those turned out great!

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