Mama Kat Thursday: 7 Things I Rather Do

The Mama Kat prompt suggestion for today was,
 "List 7 things you'd rather do then clean the bathroom..."
However, cleaning a bathroom isn't my most dreaded chore.
It's washing dishes that I hate.
 I just let all the stuff that doesn't get put in the dish washer pile up because I'd much rather be...

#1)  Diddling around on my computer...

#2)  Organizing my messy desk...

#3)  Cleaning the garage...

#4)  Doing laundry (though I don't like folding and putting stuff away either. See item #1)

#5)  Doing just about anything else I can outside--mowing, hedging, weeding...

#6)  Watching a DVD movie on T.V...

#7)  Just sitting on the sofa watching the birds visit the feeder outside...
Plus I saw this photo below in Pinterest, about sewing a dust-mop on your tot's shirt who isn't crawling yet. LOL.
(I added the motivation poster!)

So, what's your most dreaded cleaning chore?

Thanks for visiting!


Anonymous said…
Good list! I will sit and watch the bird feeder to avoid emptying the dishwasher.
Jen said…
Ugh. I hate doing the dishes too. It's a good thing my husband and I have an agreement that I'll cook and clean the litter box; he will do the dishes and pick up dog doo in the back yard.
Anonymous said…
I don't mind washing dishes but I HATE it when they get piled up/left gross in the sink. However I'd still rather tackle that instead of cleaning out the (sorely neglected) garage. *shudder*
Sandra said…
I think cleaning the toilet is the most dreaded. Now, however I need a tot to sew the dustmop onto.
Dee said…
I'm with you on the dishes and the laundry. I'd rather sew a mop on my chest and roll around on the floor like that toddler!
I don't like cleaning much of anything, except I don't hate washing the dishes that don't fit in the dishwasher. But dry them? Nah. I leave them in the dish drainer, usually until I use them again....

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