Garden Pic Wednesday: Red Spider Lily!

I worked outside about an hour today and a half cleaning up sticks, cones and cone-cobs. (Cone cobs are the pine cone core that is left after the squirrels burr off all the petals to get to the seeds.) I also racked up a stack of pine cone petals scattered about the walkway and bit of yard just in front of the entryway. That area is under a couple pines trees, directly beneath where squirrels are busily cobbing-cones.
I also planted beet seeds in a very large container in the back yard--hoping I'll get beet greens all winter.
The melon in the garden that I thought was dead, recent sprouted a couple new vines. I guess the roots aren't dead. If it wants to keep going that's okay by me, though I will be planting Broccoli soon in on the other end of the garden that's empty.
I have a small breed of Bell Pepper seeds I've been sprouting in the house. It's designed for containers, but I'm going to plant them in the bed next to the front door where they'll have lots of sun all winter and I can keep an eye on them. Out of the pack of 25 seeds, I've only gotten 6 to sprout now. Nothing I planted in spring took.
 I've had a lot of success getting Peppers to winter-over in that location. The current Pepper is two years old and still producing.
I say, if it ain't broke, why fix it?

Today's lovely Garden Pic is one of my Red Spider Lilies!

These are a breed of "Magic Lily," that appear as if out of nowhere in Southern gardens in September. Each blossom head is a ring of 7 to 9 small lilies, each with long curvy whiskers and each bulb puts up 2 to 3 stems each.  The bulbs slowly proliferate over time, gradually making larger clumps. Brings great color to the autumn flower bed!
I have to be gone tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be doing any post for Thursday. Stop back for Friday Finds!


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