Good Eating Monday: Graham Cracker Fluff!

This is a simple"Icebox Cake" made with just Graham Crackers layered with Cool Whip. We call it "Fluff," because it turns into the most delicious, moist goodness over-night in the frig!
There was a local Chinese buffet we used to go to before it changed hands that used to serve a wonderful deep dish version of this and that's where Hubby got the idea to re-create his own.
 It's his specialty dessert and I've shot a photo series of him making a pan of it! His is in a 9 x 13 pan, because it's dessert for a bunch of Army guys on Wednesday, but really you could make a smaller amount in an 8 x 8 dish if you wished. It's very adaptable.
This has been a dessert favorite for our Sunday singles group for years!

1 Box Regular Honey Maid Honey Graham Crackers (not low fat)
1 12oz Cool Whip, any type

Step #1:   Layer 9 x 13 pan with 7 1/2 graham crackers, as you see pictured. Make sure the crackers lines are going all in the same direction.(This makes cutting easier latter.)

Step #2:  Using a rubber spatula carefully spread  a layer of Cool Whip about 1/2 inch thick over the first layer of grahams.
They will want to slide, so you'll have to hold them in place a little

Step #3: Add second layer of 7 1/2 Grahams on top of Cool Whip, top of cracker up, in exactly the same pattern as you laid the first layer: large crackers covering large, halves over halves.

Step #4:  Top the second layer of Grahams with another 1/2 of Cool Whip.

Step #5:  Top the Cool Whip with final layer of 7 1/2 crackers, top side up, laid in same pattern as the last two layers: large crackers over large; halves over halves.

Step #6:  Now cover and refrigerate overnight until ready to serve.  Before serving, cut along cracker lines into small bars.

I say use Regular Honey Maid Honey Grahams because we've tried the Low Fat and they just don't work well in this dessert.
Of course, if you have a good brand of Honey Grahams you like, by all means use your favorite!


aestamary said…
I like this as it looks easy to prepare.

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