Good Eating Monday: A Taco Emergency?

I don't have a recipe today, but I do have a funny story that's food related.

We were driving through our small town last weekend, on our way to our Air Force Commissary and had to stop at a major intersection because the traffic light had turned red.
Despite it being a small town, the roadway through it is six lanes; three going West and three going East. 
(The road was widened to  ease tourist traffic prior to the construction of the by-pass.)
Anyway, we were in the middle lane when we came to a stop at the light and there were a couple cars in the left lane beside us, but the right lane was clear of any traffic---until out of no where, a big black Cadillac suddenly zoomed past us, running the red light
I sort of held my breath watching, because that's a risky thing to do, but, lucky, no one waiting to turn left had moved.
About a block past the intersection is a Taco Bell and we stared in wonderment as that speeding Caddy abruptly turned into Taco Bell.
A couple minutes later, we had the green light, and as we drove pass the Taco Bell, I looked to see where the Caddy was.
He was in the drive-through line.
I said to Hubby, "It must be a Taco emergency."
He laughed and laughed.

(I don't recommend running red lights for tacos.)


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