Garden Pic Wednesday: Final Touch Daylily

It may just be the beginning of August, but I already sense a feel of autumn coming. The squirrels sense it, too, and have started shelling pine cones,  littering the ground with petals and cobs.

I'm pleased to say I have Black Swallowtail caterpillars on my curly parsley, which is amazing since I've hardly seen any Swallowtails. Sneaky, I guess.
First I saw I had one, then I saw yesterday I have 4. That's really all my two parsley's can support, but I have a Rue nearby I can move any overflow to. 
I plant the parsley in particular for the butterflies. Though, I use it for cooking at other times of the year. It's a bi-annual and stays green and vibrant throughout the winter for 2 seasons usually.

I did some light outside tasks today: pruned my container blueberries and planting the purple Lantana that's been in a small container, rooting. I used my new garden seat, which makes low to the ground tasks like that much easier.

Today's photo is the 3rd of 3 new daylillies I added to my garden. This one is a pink bi-color named "Final Touch."
The 3 inner petals are dark pink, the 3 outer are light pink with a pretty bright yellow center. It's a rebloomer, so it should do a second round of blooming.
Very beautiful.


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