Mama Kat Thursday: Last Thing I Won

Today's Mama Kat topic I chose is, "What is the Last Thing I Won?"

I recently attended a talk at the local Community hosted by the local Master Gardener's group and the Libary on the of "Moon Gardening." 
They gave away live plants as door prizes and I won this little tree-shrub called a topiary.
 It's a Night Blooming Jasmine.

You can see the gravel channels on either side. This area is the back end of my rain garden and they're there to help move rain water when it collects back here.
It looks nice and neat now, but usually this area is wild with daylilies, garlic chives, glads, flag iris, spider houseplants gone-wild and Chocolate Elephant ears. 

Second View of the Jasmine from Other Direction:
You can see the end of my rain garden, my neighbors deck on the other side and the wood pallets I'm using to hold down landscape plastic over a bunch of Liriope I'm killing off. 

Close Up of Future Blooms:
When I took this picture last evening, I was excited to see the Night Jasmine is putting up flowers stalks and preparing to bloom!
The flowers will be white, profuse and fragrant all night for night feeders, like Moths.

Renovated  Drainage
There was a natural dent in this area that I took advantage to hopefully try and create a rain drainage area. Normally, the rain water gathers to this whole corner and trickles through the fence and generally meanders back to the woods behind our properties. This will just augment it's meandering.
That spikey greenery is flag iris. The purple leaves are Chocolate Elephant Ears. I dug as many ears as I could and shifted many roots to other locations, though I planted some of the larger ones back in this area. 
Now I see like tons of baby Chocolate Elephant Ears popping up numerous places in this bed----so clearly I didn't not get them all.
I love them, though, so it's all good.

Thanks for Visiting!


John Holton said…
Whenever we win something, we always refer to it as a "major award," a la "A Christmas Story." Thus, that's not just a night-blooming jasmine, it's a major award!
Abby said…
Congrats on the win! It looks very at home.

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