
Showing posts from May, 2020

Mama Kat Thursday: 12th Grade Memories

Today's chosen prompt is to share a memory from 12th grade and of all my years o f high school, 12th grade has some nice memory highlights. Probably one of my best memories of 12th grade is writing fanfiction  with my friend Cheryl. We became friends in 9th grade and I got her hooked on my interest in it. There was a masked-hero show called "The Green Hornet" in re-runs then and I fell in love with writing script-like fanfiction for that show. Cheryl liked the idea and started writing similar fanfiction for her favorite show, Mannix. We both even had an original character we added into the mix.  I remember many a study hall period, us sitting side-by-side, talking in hushed whispers about whatever we wrote the night before.  Having someone to share a common interest with was super cool. The other highlight of 12th grade was having a boy actually ask me to be his experiment partner for a Psych class project. I'd known him since 10th grade, but I was just ...

Garden Pic Wednesday: May Flowers

I did pick my first two fat Roma tomatoes this week. They were just starting to turn color and I brought them inside to finish ripening, so the bird's don't get them. New "Easy Dancer"Asiatic Lily I'd completely forgotten I'd planted these until I saw this one open this week. They were a bulb bin purchase from a local garden shop. It's got the sun shining on it, so the camera can't precisely "see" it's actual colors, but this lily is a deep burgundy with bright yellow tips. Quite striking.   Bird Seed Sunflowers : My collection of "bird seed" sunflowers that popped up this year. I did plant some on purpose, but others are volunteers. When I look out the back door, I can see them standing tall among the Zinnia's.

My New Shop @ Redbubble

In a previous Mama Kat prompt , I explained why I needed to expand beyond Zazzle, which is why I've moved all my creative endeavors to Redbubble. In a dozen ways, Redbubble is so much easier to work with. Plus I have an extensive collection of designs in my files ready and waiting, so I'm not starting completely from scratch. You can visit my Redbubble Shop here . In Redbubble shops, a design is generally represented by one product picture. What you do is, if you want to see all the products with that design, is click on that product picture, which opens a full page, then page down and look under the scroll bar where you'll see the words, "available on x number of products: click the arrow on the right. That will open a window with showing every product that design comes on. Or you can use the category list on the left side-bar to search for designs in my store by product type, like "Home Decor" or "Phone Cases," and you'll see everyt...

Garden Pic Wednesday: Lavender Calla Lily!

I was pleased last shopping trip to the base Commissary to finally buy some yeast. I bought a jar this time. I have a mini-seed nursery going on in a tray outside, sprouting full size Marigolds, Shasta Daisies & Hardy Hibiscus. The a good number of the Marigolds were ready to be transplanted, so I moved them various places yesterday.  Easter lilies are done, so I clicked stems back out by the front bed and realized that small area needed some adjusting, so I moved this and that around, planting more native daylilies and Vinca and Ajuga that will all do well in shade/morning sun. One thing I moved was a single Hot Poker lily I still have that wasn't thriving there, so I moved it to a very sunny location in back. The Shasta Daisies & Hardy Hibiscus remain in the "nursery," being too young to transplant. Today's photo is a first Calla Lily bloom: I've struggled with Callas, trying to get them to perform well. They didn't do well in the gr...

Garden Pic Wednesday: Gardenia Season!

Yesterday we ate inside a local restaurant. We were so happy to enjoy indoor dining. It's a relatively new place that actually opened in March just prior to the big close down. Unlucky for them. We got take-out once and were out and about and decided to see if we could pick up lunch there, since. We were delighted to discover people insid e eating and we did, too. It's a counter service, where you order your food, then sit down. It's not a big place. Their beef is steamed, then served on a 8" hoagie roll with a choice of cheese. Also you can top it with roasted bell peppers. I prefer their Italian sausage, though also served on 8" hoagie roll thick with melted provolone cheese. Yum. They do great onion rings, so we had an order of those. I actually just ate the other half of my sausage sandwich today for lunch.  Salons/barbers were allowed to open here on May 11, too, so I quickly made a hair appointment!  Today's Garden Pic is a fully open Gardenia bl...

Garden Pic Wednesday: Hidden Dragon Zinnias & Easter Lilies

Today's photo is a shot of a couple kinds of Zinnia's I've got going on in the back flower bed: The pink & white one in the foreground is called "Hidden Dragon." I was looking for something different in the way of Zinnia's when I ordered the seed last fall. The peach one in the background is called "Lilliput" and like it's name sake, has small flower heads. They were seeds I found on a seed rack locally. It seems like I have better or worse years for how well my Zinnia's perform--this year seems a good one! Next: Easter Lilies Among the Greens I though the white Easter Lilies peeking out from amidst the other greenery lovely.  This shot is from one of my front beds.The the bushy greenery the lilies are peeking out of are 4 O'clocks. Behind them is a Japanese Sky Pencil Tree & a Hardy Hibiscus. Venturing Out: Today, I drove up to the nearby Dollar to pick-up some occasion cards, a new set of red pla...

Tea-P Love to Friends & Family!

 A small tea company in Orlando, Florida, called Infusion Tea , came up with an idea that has saved their business and allowed  them to bring back their furloughed employees! Their idea is play on the old prank of "TPing a house" and they offer gift boxes you can have mailed to friends or family by mail containing 2 rolls of toilet paper, a bag of their unique loose-leaf tea and a 8 x 10 sign that says, "You've been tea-p'd" plus a _______space "Loves You" they fill in with you name." (like sign the one below) (They also will deliver a yard sign of the same and post it in yards in the local Orlando zip codes in their area) We just sent a box to a couple in Orlando who are very discouraged to cheer them up! If you're interested Tea-ping someone you love with this unique care package from Infusion Tea, this link will take you to that page. on their website. Here's the Infusion Tea homepage. You'll be suppo...