Garden Pic Wednesday: Sunset Chocolate Ears

The Garden Pic for today is a nice shot of sunset lit Chocolate Elephant Ears.
I've had them for years and when the ones planted in the ground seemed to be dwindling, I rescued as many roots as I could and moved them to this pot where they've been doing well ever since.  


Today, I also planted Broccoli & Cabbage plants in one of my raised garden beds for my winter garden.
 I didn't do so well with my spring garden---my seeds were old and I wasn't properly prepared. The only thing that grew well was the pickle cucumbers that I dined on all summer and the self-seeded basil in the other raised bed, which is now a huge clump.
So I'm going to try and do more for winter. I still have French lettuce & a spinach seed I plan on planting plus I still have two Bell Pepper plants that didn't really produce anything in the heat, but will probably make a ton as weather cools.

Plus, I'm going to prepare better for next spring by picking out and ordering my seeds now: purple bush beans, zucchini & bush spaghetti squash. And I intend on buying a potato bag to grow potatoes in. (I can sprout red potatoes from the grocery easily for that.)

I have a pot of bulb garlic I need dig up and see what I've got and need to start drying herbs---like all that basil!


Megan said…
That is a good photo!

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