Garden Pic Wednesday: Fall Gerber Daisy

 The Garden Pic today is one of my Gerber's putting up a fall bloom!
Here in Florida, Gerber tend to bloom in both spring & fall, but not during the heat of summer.

A couple days later...same Gerber, but with an empty Cicada shell underneath. 
At first I thought it might be a sleeping bee, but on closer look saw it was just a cicada shell.
It's just an Annual Cicada, which have a green tint to there wings. The adult die off in winter. A nymphs like this pop out from underground, craw up something to hatch the winged adult.  A few pop-up now and again thru-out the year and take to the trees to find a mate to start the process all over. I've  found at least 3 shells on my grill cover this year.
The other kind, the 17 year type have a red tint to wings and a slimmer body shape.


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