Garden Pic Wednesday: Winter Marigolds
The Garden Pic today is a nice shot of Dwarf Marigolds. These along the walkway to the front door under the kitchen bay window. The are a cheery sight as a walk past. This is my 2nd Christmas without Dave. He died before Christmas last year, but I was so numb, I really didn't process the season much. A friend stayed with me until about the Stargate SG-1. I have all 10 seasons, so that lasted until February sometime. This year I processed the Christmas season emotionally more so. I decorated like I did last year, putting out my holiday penguin collection and wreaths with battery lights on the outside windows. I'd like to find like a tabletop tree of about 20 inches in height---but maybe I will look into that more next year. What I did arrive at is that I needed to formulate for myself some new "holiday traditions." Besides the decor. I realized, being a widow alone without children and no close family nearby, that when it comes to receiving Christmas greetings from ...