Today's cheerful winter picture is Red Salvia! It's very Christmasy looking through December, if there aren't any hard freezes. A freeze is coming. I have three Salvia blooming in 3 pots and plan on covering them. I grow them from year to year from their own self-seeded starts they leave behind. Nowadays, I really only enjoy blogging about the garden. I don't cook enough to do recipes anymore. This week I decided to look into a new car insurance carrier, one that would fit my budget better. I belong to the neighborhood app "Next Door" and saw people recommending this and that local insurance company. I decided make an appointment with a independent insurance agency recommended. They were so nice. Long story short, I'm now set up with car insurance does fit my budget much better and includes benefits my previous insurance didn't offer, like car rental coverage and road assistance. Only funny part of the conversation was I asked how was I going to te...