
Showing posts from January, 2022

Garden Pic Wednesday: Winter Gerber

Today's Garden Pic: a red Gerber Daisy. I usually have one or two at this time of year. There was a pink one blooming too, but not very pretty, so just this one photographed. A freeze is coming up on the weekend, so I'll probably snip him and take him in the house. Trivia note: despite their name, Gerbers are a member of the Sunflower family and not related to daisies at all.   

Garden Pic Wednesday: Red Salvia

  Today's cheerful winter picture is Red Salvia! It's very Christmasy looking through December, if there aren't any hard freezes. A freeze is coming. I have three Salvia blooming in 3 pots and plan on covering them. I grow them from year to year from their own self-seeded starts they leave behind. Nowadays, I really only enjoy blogging about the garden. I don't cook enough to do recipes anymore. This week I decided to look into a new car insurance carrier, one that would fit my budget better. I belong to the neighborhood app "Next Door" and saw people recommending this and that local insurance company. I decided make an appointment with a independent insurance agency recommended. They were so nice.  Long story short, I'm now set up with car insurance does fit my budget much better and includes benefits my previous insurance didn't offer, like car rental coverage and road assistance. Only funny part of the conversation was I asked how was I going to te...

Garden Pic Wednesday: Chinese Forget-Me-Not & Lettuce Garden

  Today's Garden Pics are my "Chinese Forget Me Not" & my Lettuce: This is Cynoglossum Amiable. Also called  "Chinese Hounds Tongue"  I just figured that out today, googling pictures. I didn't realize there is a true type of Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis Scorpioides), which has flowers with yellow centers and tends to be invasive.  The Chinese Forget Me Not has blue centers and is more garden friendly. It's the type found in wild flower seed packs. Back in spring I bought "wild flower" seeds from the Dollar Tree that were on a seed mat you roll out and this was the ONLY seed that sprouted. he leaves are slightly fuzzy (thus the name "hounds tongue") and look very similar to Black Eyed Susan leaves. It started blooming in early December. For Florida, that isn't unusual. I have Gerbers blooming right now. And I promised a picture of my booming lettuce crop: here it is:

Wednesday Garden Pic: Winter Blues

Today's Garden Pic is one actually from late October: my blue Clematis. This particular Clematis type grows new growth off old stems. I keep hoping, though, that it will throw up some new stems from the root.   I'm rolling in lettuce from my garden, though! Huge leafy heads!  I'll try to post a picture next week.