Garden Pic Wednesday: My Veggie Garden & Easter Lilies

 Today's Garden Pics:
I've been busy getting ready for a trip, so a little delay on getting garden pictures up, but there they are:

My Raised Bed Veggies Garden:
This is what my vegetable garden looks like right now. It includes a tomato, 2 bush zucchini, 2 bush spaghetti squash that bears a smaller size then regular, purple bush beans and pad chai. There are 2 lettuce flowering in far bed, so they'll seed themselves and hopefully give me an abundance of winter lettuce this fall!
The space at the end of the closer bed will be planted with more purple bush beans when I get back. At least one more row. Perhaps more pad chai. And I have a spot for one more zucchini.
I've been eating zucchini for meals this week. It has a cycle of fruiting, then growing, then fruiting, so it should be in a growth cycle while I'm gone this week.
In the background you can see my neighbors fence, which is on higher ground then my yard, so I have a block retaining wall below it and a bed of flowers & asparagus fern along it.

It's Easter Lily Time!
I have tons of Easter Lilies throughout my garden and they have all started popping open this week! The Gardenia bush by the mailbox is in bloom, too, and together they fragrance the night air beautifully.
They are a wonderful naturalizing element for the garden as they spread readily. They prefer at least a half day of full sun.


Megan said…
What fantastic raised beds! And such beautiful flowers :o)

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